GAK9 exams
The GAK9 exam system is the most comprehensive exam system in the world today.
There are 4 levels of competition in 4 different environments (field, rural, suburban, urban).
The exams are 100% double-blind and the runner remains at the end of the trail for the entire duration of the timeout because we believe that only this will reproduce the real conditions and give a true picture of the skills of the mantrailing team.
Do you accept the challenge?
The exam system of the international mantrailing organization GAK9 is now available here in Hungary!
The levels of the exams are as follows:

Our tested pairs:
Darinka Györki & Zokni:
field level1 (forest, 500 meters, age of the trail-30 minutes, double blind track),
field level2 (forest, 800 meters, age of the trail-60 minutes, double blind track),
field level3 (forest, 800 meters, age of the trail-120 minutes, double blind track),
suburban level1 (suburb, 400 meters, age of the trail-30 minutes, double blind track)
Andrea Bondor & Léna, Pier:
field level1 (forest, 500 meters, age of the trail-30 minutes, double blind track - Léna),
field level2 (forest, 800 meters, age of the trail-60 minutes, double blind track - Léna),
suburban level1 (suburb, 400 meters, age of the trail-30 minutes, double blind track - Pier)
The full exam regulations can be found here: